
On this page, you can find the events about DAPPREMO AMALEA 2002 On 13/09/2022 Nicola Fabiano presented DAPPREMO at the International Workshop AMALEA (ADVANCES IN MACHINE LEARNING), Cetraro, Italy, September 12-16, 2022. III Digital Law World Congress 2020 On 22/10/2020 Nicola Fabiano, as President of the San Marino Data Protection Authority, participated in the session of the supervisory authorities and presented DAPPREMO at the "III Digital Law World Congress 2020"". ...

1 December 2020 · 2 min · Nicola Fabiano

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Matomo opt-in or opt-out [EN]: Allow tracking (or choose 2) - [IT]: Consento al tracking (o scegli 2) [EN]: Disallow tracking - [IT]: Non consento al tracking Opt-in: [EN] You allowed tracking - [IT] Hai consentito al tracking. Opt-out: [EN] You are not tracked - [IT] I dati di sessione non sono raccolti. If you have chosen “Allow tracking” we remind you that we will collect your data only in an anonymous and aggregated manner as reported in this policy. You can still change your choices at any time. ...

1 December 2020 · 7 min · NicFab

Review & Media

On this page, we publish reviews, feedback, and publications about DAPPREMO that we retrieved or anyone reported to us. We welcome any further contribution referring to DAPPREMO. 6/11/2020 - Privacy e data protection nel libro di Nicola Fabiano by Today 6 November 2020 a contribution by the editorial staff of entitled “Privacy e data protection nel libro di Nicola Fabiano” (in Italian) was published, which mentions the book entitled “GDPR & Privacy. Awareness and opportunities. The approach with the Data Protection and Privacy Relationships Model (DAPPREMO)” with a specific reference to DAPPREMO. ...

1 December 2020 · 2 min · Nicola Fabiano


“Visionary” (forward-looking) can adequately describe DAPPREMO and its supporters. To qualify and define a case, it is normal to have an approach through which we proceed from the identification of the norm or law. The same approach is also used about data protection and privacy, proceeding from the norm within which to subsume the case: the method is not wrong. However, privacy and the protection of personal data deserve new reflection. ...

1 December 2020 · 3 min · Nicola Fabiano



0 min · Nicola Fabiano



0 min · Nicola Fabiano